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Model ACO QBrake with Site3D

Vortex flow controls, such as the ACO QBrake, present significant value engineering opportunities for projects by reducing the required total attenuation volume within a site. To fully realise this potential, detailed modelling of the drainage design is crucial. That's why ACO is pleased to announce the inclusion of the QBrake within Site3D, Microplot’s intuitive engineering design software.

Established in 1980, Microplot Ltd has a rich history of working closely with engineers to develop tailored IT packages that offer user-friendly solutions. Dissatisfied with existing 3D design software, which they found difficult and slow to use, Microplot Ltd embarked on creating Site3D specifically for their sister company, Wormald Burrows Partnership Ltd. This innovative software was proven to be highly beneficial to Wormald Burrows and has since been made available worldwide for commercial use, allowing engineers to harness the benefits of the software.

By utilizing software packages like Site3D, engineers can accurately size the QBrake system based on the required head height and flow rate of water leaving the site, while also monitoring the reduction in necessary attenuation. The QBrake achieves this efficiency through its smart design. Unlike orifice plate systems that impose a universal flow restriction, the QBrake's shape creates a vortex within the system as the water level rises, effectively slowing down the flow.

During the early stages of rainfall, when water build up within the system is minimal, flow restriction is unnecessary. However, a standard orifice plate system would still limit the water leaving the system at this stage, leading to a backlog of water requiring attenuation. In contrast, the QBrake system does not generate the required head height during early rainfall to create a vortex, allowing the flow to leave the site unimpeded and avoiding unnecessary demands for attenuation space. As the rain water builds up in the system the vortex is created and the flow restricted.

Each QBrake is designed bespoke for the specific needs of the site, accommodating a wide spectrum of head heights and flow rates within Site3D. ACO's free design service streamlines the process between design and installation, by providing the required parameters taken from Site3D ACO can tailor design and manufacture the unit, making installation simple and easy.

To find out more about our QBrake system click here

Find out more about Site3D here.
