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View our Case Studies

Toneway Junction: The Road to High Capacity

ACO provides an optimised drainage solution that still catered for the high-capacity requirements present within an urban highway environment.

Lovell Homes
Sustainable Attenuation System at Lovell Homes

ACO Water Management has designed and delivered a 4,500m³ StormBrixx attenuation tank to help prevent flooding at Lovell Homes’ Drummond ...

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The Wave Inland Surfing with ACO Qmax slot drainage
Making Waves with Intelligent Design

The Wave is an inland surf destination situated near Bristol, offering year-round consistent waves for people of all ages, backgrounds and ...

Heavy-traffic on large hard standing area required drainage solution to be constructed at speed in Peterborough

ACO Qmax high-capacity slot drainage with F900 load class used with the new composite edge rails for quicker alignment.

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Redevelopment of Kings Cross
ACO MultiDrain® & bespoke drainage at Kings Cross, provide surface water management across large public spaces

A selection of bespoke and standard drainage systems satisfy varying hydraulic requirements over large publically trafficed areas.

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ACO KerbDrain® provide fast, efficient drainage along various points of the A453 newly widened carriageway.

With design and cost a major consideration for this project, ACO worked with both the engineer and contractor to ensure targets were met.

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